
Showing posts from December, 2017

TWAS December 15

Hello Everyone, High fives for your little ones as they were amazing sports throughout this extremely unconventional week!  The Wednesday show turned out great; the community walk was beautiful; we enjoyed night 'B's' performance; club Friday was a blast and now we're ready to return to our regular routine for one more 2017 school week! Despite all of the moving around we did manage to fit a lot of academics in, but I'll keep it brief as I know how busy everyone is. LANGUAGE ARTS We finished our master writing good copy monster descriptions and delivered them to Dr. George Stanley.  Apparently the artists have been working on their monster drawing skills and were very excited to have our work arrive.  They want to spend a decent amount of time on it so we won't be seeing the final results until the new year.  Parts of story: character, setting, theme, plot and point of view Drama: working with plot through reenactments of The Boy Who Cried Wolf ( than


So sorry I missed posting this last week.  We'll be postponing until Wednesday and are fitting in some extra in-class practice. Spelling Dec. 5 - Dec. 11 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred

TWAS December 8

Hello Everyone, I hope you have all had a good week! I'll start with the concert details: Every student has taken home two tickets for the evening show. I have forwarded all extra ticket requests to the office.  Our main performance is Wednesday December 13th, doors open at 6:15. Our group will be performing a matinee that same day at 1:00pm.  Everyone is welcome and no tickets are required. During the evening of the performance the children will be with their teachers in the classrooms except for when they are performing.  It is going to be fantastic! Don't hesitate to call with any questions or clarifications Our week has been very . . . energetic. Life is exiting for most of the children right now and I will do my best to share the school side of that excitement with you in a somewhat condensed version (I'm so sorry that these posts are so long). The children were thrilled to see the parent created blue monsters that came from their written descriptions

TWAS December 1st

Hello Everyone, And we’re off, into the busyness that is December!   I cannot believe how fast this has come upon us.   While we would never know it from the weather, beautiful singing voices are filling our hallways with sounds of winter celebration rehearsals; we must be getting close to performance time (Wednesday December 13 th for us) because they sound perfect J In keeping with the December tradition of reaching out to those who need a little extra help during this time of year we have decided to send home something special. This year, Cranston students and staff have decided to support other schools’ students who may not be as fortunate as us by providing them with a Christmas gift bag.  I am sending home a large ziplock freezer bag with a list inside it. The list has required items and other ideas for the Christmas bag for a student. We are requesting that spending between $15-20 (please do not exceed $20 as we want to ensure all students are receiving approximate