TWAS June 20

Hello Everyone,

Happy Friday — it's so hard to believe that it is the last Friday of the year! Thank you for all you are doing to keep your little ones positive and going!  I fully get how tough bedtimes and alarm clocks are this time of year.  Whatever you're doing, you're doing it well because they've been coming in each morning excited and ready to go!

We heard that CBE has already forwarded the Acknowledgment of the Land video to Mr. Scout and we are all very excited to see it; apparently it's great.  Mr. Scout was trying to bring it in today for us to see, but some unscheduled events kept him very busy.  Likewise I haven't yet been forwarded the video of our assembly/play but as soon as I get it I will share it with the students on their drives.

Next week there is an awful lot going on in a very short period of time:

Monday afternoon is sports day.
Tuesday: 11:00 family picnic (for our class), and then Club Friday in the afternoon (we postponed so that there was no talent show interference).
Wednesday: Year end assembly (I will also share our kindness movie with you once it is available to me).

We are working with analogue clocks this week in math.  We made clocks and are very good at telling the hour.  Some of us have the minutes down as well. If time, and if you have an analogue clock (ours were just made out of paper plates), see if you can get some time telling practice in.

Language Arts focused on thinking about and thanking people in the school who help us to be successful.

Science:  We finished our Mr. Potatoe head science unit.

Art and social studies:  The play and skits, the play and skits and more of the play and skits :)

Our schedule was definitely out of sync but everyone really pulled together and made it all work.  I am very proud of everyone.  And a big 'hats off' to those who stood up there at that talent show and gave it their best today and last week.  Way to go team!

Have a wonderful weekend Everyone — those little ones must be very ready for it!

Mrs. McArthur


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